66-001 Specifications and performance documentation
*Non-inverting design
*Unbalanced inputs / unbalanced outputs 
*Input impedance = 100K
*Fully point to point construction with high temp wiring and silver solder
*Hand-matched high quality parts used throughout
*FET / Triode cascode phono stage input topology for high gain and low noise
*MM RIAA passive equalized phono input (47K input impedance, 15pf capacitance)
*RIAA stage gain = 45dB
-S/N ratio: 76dB reference -40dB in @ 1kHz, +5dB record out, no weighting
*Line stage gain = 14dB 
-S/N ratio: 100dB reference 1V p-p out, no weighting
*Tube compliment:  2 ea. 12AU7A - phono stage, 2 ea. ECC99 - line stage
*High quality Alps Blue volume pot
*Balance control out of direct signal path
*Volume and balance controls nested between amplifier stages providing constant load on phono stage and line inputs for consistent frequency response
*Mono (true summing) and Mute switches for added convience
*5 line level inputs - input impedance 100K ohm
*Record output jacks - output impedance ~ 5K ohm
*Dual main output jacks
*Transformer coupled output - headphones and main outs
*2 ohm output impedance - will drive 8 ohm speaker to 1 watt!
*Fully regulated external solid state power supply for low noise
*30lb shipping weight
Measurement data: Click to enlarge
Square wave response - line stage left channel; 1khz @ 1.5 Vp-p
Square wave response, line stage right channel; 1khz @ 1.5 Vp-p
Square wave response - line stage left channel; 10khz @ 1.5 Vp-p
Square wave response - line stage right channel; 10khz @ 1.5 Vp-p
Square wave response via inverse network -  RIAA left channel; 1khz @ 1.5 Vp-p measured at record output
Square wave response via inverse network - RIAA right channel; 1khz @ 1.5 Vp-p measured at record output
Square wave response via inverse network - RIAA left channel; 10khz @ 1.5 Vp-p measured at record output
Square wave response via inverse network - RIAA right channel; 10khz @ 1.5 Vp-p measured at record output
RIAA - Left Channel Freq. Resp.
RIAA - Right Channel Freq. Resp.
RIAA Left + Right Channel Freq. Resp. Overlay
Line In - Left Channel Freq. Resp.
Line In - Right Channel Freq. Resp.
Line In Left + Right Channel Freq. Resp. Overlay
Line In Left
-10 in, -16 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -16.0dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -16.0dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.0194%
THD+N 0.0275%
2nd harmonic 0.0070%
3rd harmonic 0.0177%
4th harmonic 0.0027%
5th harmonic 0.0014%
6th harmonic 0.0018%
7th har
Line In Left
-10 in, -10 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -10.0dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -10.0dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.1660%
THD+N 0.1663%
2nd harmonic 0.1649%
3rd harmonic 0.0190%
4th harmonic 0.0014%
5th harmonic 0.0006%
6th harmonic 0.0009%
7th har
Line In Left
-10 in, 0 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -6.4dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -6.4dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.6684%
THD+N 0.6685%
2nd harmonic 0.6624%
3rd harmonic 0.0885%
4th harmonic 0.0126%
5th harmonic 0.0010%
6th harmonic 0.0009%
7th harmoni
Line In Right
-10 in, -16 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -15.9dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -15.9dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.1738%
THD+N 0.1749%
2nd harmonic 0.1717%
3rd harmonic 0.0179%
4th harmonic 0.0187%
5th harmonic 0.0013%
6th harmonic 0.0050%
7th ha
Line In Right
-10 in, -10 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -10.0dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -10.0dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.0358%
THD+N 0.0382%
2nd harmonic 0.0168%
3rd harmonic 0.0150%
4th harmonic 0.0257%
5th harmonic 0.0048%
6th harmonic 0.0084%
7th ha
Line In Right
-10 in, 0 out
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -6.4dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -6.4dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.4803%
THD+N 0.4805%
2nd harmonic 0.4771%
3rd harmonic 0.0356%
4th harmonic 0.0313%
5th harmonic 0.0200%
6th harmonic 0.0146%
7th harmon
RIAA Left -50 in
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -8.8dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -8.8dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.0634%
THD+N 0.4007%
2nd harmonic 0.0633%
3rd harmonic 0.0030%
4th harmonic 0.0013%
5th harmonic 0.0002%
6th harmonic 0.0006%
7th harmonic 0.0003%
RIAA Right -50 in
32768-point spectrum using Hann window and 8 averages
Input RMS -8.5dB FS
Distortion at 1,000.0Hz, -8.5dB FS based on 8 harmonics:
THD 0.0613%
THD+N 0.3566%
2nd harmonic 0.0611%
3rd harmonic 0.0038%
4th harmonic 0.0009%
5th harmonic 0.0004%
6th harmonic 0.0008%
7th harmonic 0.0003%
Square wave response
Frequency response
Distortion spectrum
Hand-Built Vacuum Tube Amplifiers, Tube amp, affordable tube amp, stereo tube amp, tube preamp
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