Once again, Kevin Elliott’s work in “high end “audio is exemplary. Who
would think that something with no moving parts could move music so well. With his step up transformer he has opened a window into the
truly high end listening experience. It seems like there are added layers of information in every record, and every layer has exceptional merit. With ESA’s history of reliability I’m looking forward to many years of enjoyment. I am gob-smacked.
Thanks Kevin! ~Harry-Murphy - Satisfied customer
The ESA SUT-1 Step Up Transformer
Hand crafted using the finest components, double-sided fiberglass printed circuit board and high-quality vintage Altec Lansing transformers, this SUT offers flat response, no ringing or overshoot of waveforms and very low distortion. The result is sound that is crystal clear with no smearing of transients. Designed to match the 66-001p preamp in sound and looks but will work with any phono stage that has a 47K input impedance and 40 - 45dB gain.
In a moving coil (MC) cartridge the signal is generated by moving a tiny coil of micro-fine wire, instead of a heavier magnet or magnets in a moving magnet (MM) cartridge. Becasue of the lower mass, MC cartridges have quicker transient response, reveal more detail and depth, and sound more dynamic than MM cartridges. But there is a tradeoff: MC carts output 10 times less voltage then MM carts!
Why you need one:
The 66-001p and many other preamps have a phono stage set up for MM cartridges; 40dB gain and 47K input impedance. A MC cartridge's signal is 10 times smaller than a moving magnet (typically .5mv as opposed to 5mv) and much lower output impedance. In order to increase the gain and match the impedance from the moving coil cartridge to the moving magnet amplifier, an active head amp or step-up transformer is needed.
Why use a transformer?
Head amps can perform well but also can introduce extra noise and distortion to the delicate signals generated from a MC cartridge. The SUT offers noise-free gain and matches the impedance that your MC cartridge needs to load it properly as an added benefit. Plus transformers can impart a musical clarity and impact to the sound that many find addictive.
*High quality miniature microphone hook up wire
*Gold plated heavy RCA input and output jacks
*Switchable loading of 500, 400, 200, 100 & 50 ohms
*External load position with loading jacks (custom load plugs available)
*Ground-lift switch removes cartridge ground from chassis
Price: $735.00 (free shipping in continental United States)
---------$490.00 if purchased with 66-001p
*Plus applicable sales tax